Membership Info
- Always just optional to fish SFL
- Biggest Perk - Register Now, Pay Later
- Basic $30, Silver $60 Tax Included
- Just 1 member to register, 2 to fish
- Members only bonus awards $500, $250, Free events
- SFL Sponsor Discounts
- Silver Membership includes over $125 in sponsor and SFL product
- Membership sales help support the series
- Card is per person.
- Both members of a team must hold a card to register for events.
- Card holders must give 48 hours notice of cancellation of events. Failure to do so could result in loss of membership.
- Deals from membership sponsors are between card holder and the offering business. SFL holds no responsibility in honouring discounts or refunds and returns.
- Membership cards are per angler and must be shown in person to membership sponsors to receive any offers Membership cards are only valid annually, and for event registration on January 1st of each season. The card can not be used to pre register for events between October and December 31st. Only anglers paying in full will have the right to hold spots during that time period.
- Members must fish minimum 1 event to be able to receive rewards from membership sponsors. Any one caught using the card for other people may lose membership status.
- Members wishing to fish solo may register for events as a solo angler. Should a solo angler decide to fish with a partner, that partner MUST obtain a membership card or the solo angler will lose his held position and the team will take the next available starting position at time of registration
Join the Shootout Fishing League Membership program today to receive partner discounts and special incentives. Including priority registration for events with no payment required until event date.
etransfer to cory@shootoutfishingleague.com
Please make cheques payable to: Shootout Fishing League
1245 Hallecks Road South
Brockville, ON
K6V 5T3