In memory, and in celebration of someone who made her world a brighter and better place.

Erin Banford Memorial


For anyone wishing to attend. Roselawn Funeral home Maitland Ont. (5 mins outside Brockville) Saturday February 1st. 1-3PM With a words of Remembrance from 3-4PM to follow for those who wish to stay. We have booked the Upstairs room at the Keystorm Pub at 4:30 for people who would like to come toast Erin’s Life, and tell stories about her and what she means to us all.


In 2025, @shootoutfishing will have a new award

In 2025, @shootoutfishing will have a new award


This beautiful trophy has already been ordered, and along with $1000.00 Cheque, we will award a special angler or team the Erin Banford award who gives back, shares, helps, the SFL community the most in her honour. You the angler will have the biggest say in who you think deserves something a little extra special.

@shootoutfishing will be offline for the next few weeks, please have patience and understand with us during this difficult time.



I will not be answering any series related calls, messages, emails or posts to be with family. I will send along an update when time permits. Thank you, Cory.

SFL Tournament Supply Store

Shootout is able to continue to offer the best paybacks in Canada thanks to all of our amazing sponsors